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Feed additive

Humic feed additive EKOROST – an environmentally friendly preparation of natural plant origin, containing salts of humic acids, hematomelanic and fulvic acids, amino acids, peptides, polysaccharides, micro-macroelements (in particular calcium and phosphorus), enzymes, proteins, vitamins, so necessary for sheep, piglets, calves and other animals.

safety of amino acids and proteins
increased content of hematomelan
and fulvic acids
high content of micro, macro-elements and vitamins

100% natural

Use of humic feed additive "EKOROST"  leads to an improvement in the productive qualities and resistance of farm animals, has a positive effect on the digestibility of feed nutrients, which is manifested in an increase in the safety of livestock, an increase in the quality and quantity of the final product. Compatible with all components of the diet and can be used for all types and age and sex groups of farm animals.

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Proven positive results of use

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Individual calculation of discounts

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Consultations with agricultural technicians

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Environmentally friendly harvest

bigger, faster and easier with feed additive

The use of a feed additive as a stock solution added to food allows not only to increase the resistance of the animal body to external adverse factors and prevent gastrointestinal diseases and feed poisoning, but also to improve the absorption of feed nutrients, reduce the period of fattening animals and poultry, and increase the average daily weight gain, improve the quality of meat and eggs.

The use of humic feed additive in livestock farming will help:

  • increase the productivity of the animal,
  • increase livestock safety
  • increase the resistance of the animal’s body,
  • in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases,
  • for the treatment of wounds, skin diseases,
  • reduce the effects of feed toxicity.
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Why us?

More details
  • Иконка Independent extraction of peat and use of its extract for fertilizers
  • Иконка Modern automated full cycle production
  • Иконка Unique technologies for activation of fulvic and humic acids
  • Иконка Testing of input raw materials and finished product in our own laboratory

Regulations for use:

EKOROST is used in a mixture with feed fillers, feed mixtures, liquid feed and drinking water. Feeding: 0.4-0.5 ml per 1 kg of live weight, throughout the entire technological cycle or in courses of 30-60 days with two-week breaks.

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Efficiency of feed additive

Feed additive "Ekorost" used to improve digestion, assimilate nutrients in feed and maintain the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, protect against toxins of various natures, stimulate metabolism, increase the body's resistance, productivity and safety of livestock, the quality of livestock products, and reduce the costs of treatment and preventive measures. The humic feed additive EKOROST is used for animals of all types and age and sex groups. It is compatible with all components of the diet, feed additives and medications, does not produce side effects, and the final animal products can be used for food purposes without any restrictions.