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Roofing soil

Specialized substrate is an integral component when landscaping roofs, stylobates, and roofs of underground parking lots. Also used in outdoor flowerpots and flowerpots, when arranging cafes, food courts, recreational and sports areas on the roof.

High aeration capacity
Good nutritional properties
Light weight, minimal floor loads

100% quality

We produce a high-quality, multi-component mixture in optimally balanced proportions. Convenient system for changing recipes according to customer specifications. All products are certified and manufactured using high-tech equipment.

Фоновое изображение Иконка

Recipe according to customer specifications

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Individual calculation of discounts

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Consultations with agricultural technicians

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Proven positive results of use

Urban landscape simple and practical

EKOROST roofing soils are used without restrictions for all types of roof landscaping, stylobates and street landscaping. Our product is manufactured on high-quality equipment using the latest technologies and is completely ready for use.

Use advantage:

  • Long service life (up to 50 years)
  • Light weight
  • Neutral acidity level (pH 6.0-7.0)
  • Moisture resistant
  • Water permeable
  • High nutritional properties
  • Optimal composition for eliminating subsidence and compaction
Фоновое изображение

Why us?

More details
  • Иконка Individual recipe for developing substrates based on design solutions
  • Иконка Modern automated full cycle production
  • Иконка Solving logistics problems related to transportation to sites
  • Иконка Testing of input raw materials and finished product in our own laboratory
Фоновое изображение

Efficiency of roofing soils

High aeration capacity. Increased filtration. Long service life with low silting properties. Good nutritional properties. Light weight. Minimum floor loads. Contains an optimal ratio of components to prevent subsidence and compaction.