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Profitable production? YES!

The best compost will not give the expected results without a good cover. The potential of compost can allow the collection of 40 kg/m2, but low-quality covering material will not have enough water for such a collection of mushrooms. It is necessary to monitor the required thickness cover and not skimp on it. You can increase watering, but the water will not stay in the peat and will only harm the activity of the compost. In addition, poor-quality cover soil will silt when water is added abundantly, which will negatively affect the development of mycelium.

If cover stains the mushrooms when watering, you will not be able to water at the beginning of the wave without deteriorating the quality of the product. The selling price of champignons will decrease accordingly.

When working with inactive compost, you can reduce the amount of covering material by 1 centimeter, but you should not apply bad covering material.
Modern mushroom complexes mainly operate on active compost with additives using modern technology, and this requires a good, stable cover that does not contain infection and has predictable characteristics. This will reduce chemical costs and get high-quality mushrooms at a higher price.
Often there are a lot of mushrooms growing, but there is no one to collect them. There are not enough assemblers. It is possible to facilitate collection by growing waves of collection over generations. This is possible on structured peat with heavy cover. In this case, the harvest will be fully harvested, and the mushrooms will not be thrown away or collected with open caps. On fine peat you can obtain mushroom yields by generation.

High-quality stable raw materials for the production of cover soil allows you to reduce technology costs by optimizing the work of qualified personnel who do not need to be distracted by finding out the characteristics of each batch of raw materials.

The mushroom complex should work like a conveyor; the fewer variables (stable raw materials), the lower the costs for logistics, sales and production.
The task of the pokrovka manufacturer — provide mushroom growing complexes with stable material of always the same quality. For this purpose, qualified personnel are involved and modern equipment and raw materials are used. The company ECOROST meets all these requirements and provides its clients with cover soil of high quality.

Saving 1 ruble on cover soil - losing 100 rubles on mushrooms.