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Peat mixture

EKOROST peat mixtures are high-quality multi-component ready-to-use soils produced on the basis of  high and lowland peats of medium degree of decomposition and a package of organic additives

100% natural composition
optimal content of natural ingredients
We produce according to the customer’s individual recipe

100% natural

Peat mixtures Ekorost are used without restrictions for growing various species  cultures.

One of the main features of the peat mixture is its ability to retain moisture, while preventing the root system from becoming waterlogged. The peat mixture is rich in microelements and minerals, which are necessary for the full development of both ornamental plants and fruit and vegetable crops. It is important to note that the peat mixture is suitable not only for adult plants, but also for seedlings. Its soft and porous structure provides young plants with ideal conditions for development and growth.

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Proven positive results of use

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Individual calculation of discounts

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Consultations with agricultural technicians

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Environmentally friendly harvest

more, faster and easier with EKOROST peat mixture

We offer high-quality peat mixtures of our own production with a complex composition of organic and mineral fertilizers. Our peat mixture improves the germination and survival rate of seeds and accelerates the growth of seedlings.

Increase your productivity with a peat mixture that has many advantages:

  • 100% natural composition;
  • activation of plant metabolism;
  • acceleration of synthetic processes in seedlings and absorption of mineral salts;
  • stimulation of the vital activity of soil microorganisms.
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Why us?

More details
  • Иконка Extraction at our own fields and a careful approach to the components used
  • Иконка Modern automated full cycle production
  • Иконка Working with individual customer recipes
  • Иконка Checking incoming raw materials and finished products in our own laboratory.
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Efficiency of peat mixture Ecorost

The multicomponent peat mixture has the best agrotechnical indicators and is completely ready for use. The soil mixture is characterized by a high level of fertility, a neutral environment, and a balance of all necessary minerals, organic substances and microelements. The peat mixture contains a large number of macroelements, which are extremely important for plant growth – nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. The peat mixture is effective for creating landscaping and planting, including on heavy soils with a high content of clay particles. The peat mixture has a beneficial effect on the formation of a lumpy granular structure in the root layer, which is the best for creating optimal air and water conditions in the soil. Environmentally friendly material that has unique fertile properties