Constant composition of peat - stability of the cover soil
Having always the same raw materials available, you can use constant equipment settings, and the technologist will be able to devote more time to the growing process and organizing work.
The main raw materials are compost and cover soil. If the constant quality of compost is determined by the operation of the compost production, then the stability of the cover soil depends on the composition of the raw materials for it, i.e. from peat.
When the composition of the coating is constant over a long period, all technological operations associated with the application of this material, watering and processing can be performed in the same way.
The casing soil production workshop can produce several casing soil formulations with stable quality for various mushroom industries, provided that the quality of the raw materials is constant. The same humidity and bulk density make it possible to optimize transport transportation and planning of loading of mushroom chambers.
If the cover soil workshop works with small peat quarries, then the raw materials are supplied all the time of different quality. Poor organization of peat extraction also negatively affects the stability of the raw material.
Pat reserves must have a stable chemical composition and organoleptic characteristics. This is only possible on some large peat bogs that are large in extent and depth. It is desirable that the bottom be a more or less flat surface. The wider the lens, the smaller the area of the edges of the deposit with an unstable composition. Peat is formed over thousands of years, and the larger the area of the deposit, the more uniform the species composition is represented in the process of peat formation.
Peat mining operations with large quarries may be able to establish the necessary infrastructure to ensure product quality, long-term supply assurance, and compliance with schedules regardless of the number of customers.